Balanced Choices
Yum! strives to offer choice on our menus and evolve our offerings in ways that matter most to our consumers. We pay close attention to consumer trends regarding nutrients or ingredients to add or limit in our menu items, and we strive to provide options that meet a wide range of consumer values, lifestyle choices and dietary needs.
Plant-based options remain a priority for consumers in many parts of the world. A great example is the plant-based toppings at Pizza Hut restaurants which are offered in 17 countries.
Beverage options
Taco Bell U.S. continues to offer at least 50% of its medium (20 fl oz) fountain beverages at 100 calories or less and 20 grams of sugar or less. .
Consumer choice
We encourage consumers to make meals their own, customizing their orders to suit their dietary their preferences.
Simplicity and labeling
We continue making progress in our efforts to remove artificial colors, artificial flavors and partially hydrogenated oils from core food ingredients globally by 2025.